Definition of ready: 1. Completely prepared or in fit condition for immediate action or use. 2. Duly equipped, completed, adjusted, or arranged, as for an occasion or purpose
We’ve had a very thought-provoking month with the Hort NZ conference and then straight off to the Apples & Pears conference in Hastings. Much talk at both of manipulating and automating to deal with the ever-expected labour shortages.
Getting ready doesn’t look like it used to. Getting ready nowadays seems to be a continuous process of planning and projects to reduce some pain for the next stage in the season
Decisions to upgrade and make new technology steps no longer seem like an option. Action must happen. Gone are the days of waiting a few years to see what comes out, you are going to have to make some changes and upgrades now. I call it the Nike effect – Just do it! Sounds easy for me to say, it’s your money or your budget but the reality is if the technology is out there you are going to have to adopt it. To pinch a phrase from T&G’s Morgan Rogers, Head of Innovation and Technical, “Adapt to adopt to adapt”. Multiple benefits can be had through the transition to accept automation.
Technology can flatten out the process humps, it may not be perfect but if it’s a decent solution and the ROI lines up, or even if it doesn’t what choices do you have. We simply can’t wait for all the solutions. If you partner with trusted and innovative supply partners they are just as invested in your future as you are. Nobody wants to sell a solution that is going to end up in the back shed, at least no-one in the Jenkins team will.
My next point after automation is people.
So, you’ve got a given number of weeks until your next season or high workload time impacts your life. Have you planned a holiday? What are you going to do differently to ensure you can get some rest and a break from the constant fight and flight mode that the above has you held in?
Lots of talk at the latest conferences around mental health. So inspiring but also sobering that these topics took a large percentage of the presentations. You could feel it in the room the relief of sharing some of the load and acknowledging the pressure that many in the industry are under.
I admire Allan Pollards matter of fact approach to suggesting everyone put the 0800 787 254 number in their phones in case they need some help from the Rural Support Trust. He mentioned that it’s handy to be able to have the number to share with a friend or colleague that might need a skilled ear to listen to them too. The golden nugget from Hort NZ was the speaker session by Lance Burdett, wow did he make an impact. An incredible number of conversations followed his presentations with the conference attendees. I challenge you to google Lance and look at his content. A well spent $5 to listen to a few of the e-sessions.
Take care.